Foxtail Flower Co.

While designing for numerous weddings and events we realized fairly quickly that locally-grown seasonal flowers were always of greater quality than those purchased from a wholesaler. From there it was an obvious step to take - we would start our own growing operation, a sustainable flower farm focused on specialty cut flowers and greenery.

Cue the birth of Foxtail Flower Co - it’s of paramount importance to us that we’re able to provide the best quality product imaginable to our clients. When it comes to flowers, the global wholesale trade is far from sustainable. Instead of flying greenhouse grown, pesticide-ridden flowers from all over the world into the US, why not grow flowers here?

Foxtail Flower Co. is a natural/organic sustainable flower farming operation run on our 8 acre homestead in Lancaster, SC. The flowers we grow here end up in our own weddings and design work, but are also sold to local florists throughout the area. We do have bunches and buckets of locally-grown seasonal flowers available for purchase by request - please click below to get in contact with us for inquiries.

Get in touch.

Follow the Foxtail Flower Co. journey on Instagram @FoxtailFlowerCo


A vase arrangement of summer flowers grown at Foxtail Flower Co.